Life is Funny

March 8, 2012

 Life if funny sometimes, not the haha funny but the hmmm, I did not see that coming funny.  People think they want things in life easy and well adjusted but this is not true.  If it were true why would so many create such dramatic lives?  This is not by accident that people fall into this type of life.  This is chosen, maybe not consciously but we always have choices.  Life may seem tiring at times, you may just want to give up but at these times, dear ones your energy to heal is at its highest and this is a good thing.  Everything is balanced and what seems to be difficult is just the opportunity to make different choices or to learn by trial and error. 

 We are always growing, learning, expanding our minds and souls and there is not one of us that would have it any other way.  It all comes down to how you experience your difficult times, that is the key, you know.  Choose to try something different, choose to not allow it to sadden or effect other aspects of your day, choose to see the other side of the situation.  For when you can accomplish this, life’s burdens will cease to have an effect on your life.

Appreciation is so powerful it can literally change your life.  When you see what is good in your life, this directs you to more of the same.  When you see what is wrong in your life – well, it is depressing, isn’t it?  Which would you rather choose?  Some would say that this is just denying the facts but we say this is choosing the outcome. 

It makes sense when you think about it, what you believe in, is where your focus is upon.  If you believe something, you are looking for it to happen, you notice things that are similar, it is in your attention and you will become aware of which path leads you toward your belief.  If you believe that you will not receive something, maybe because your parents never had it, or you feel you  are not good enough, or you think good things like that just don’t happen to people like you, well then when something better becomes part of your experience, you will not move toward it for you feel you are not worthy.

So we ask you to appreciate the little things and do not give your attention to the problems.  Little by little you will start to notice more good things and you will see that your life is not all bad.  You will look forward to what good you do have and before you know it you will attract more and more happy experiences to you.  For you will understand how to accept more good in your life and you will no longer feel that bad things happen by chance.

Meditation is the calming of the scattered thoughts that get in the way of hearing your inner guidance.  Meditation is the relaxing of the body by deep, slow breathing and the concentration of what is.  Meditation is the ability to relax to the point of total acceptance of allowing that which flows through you to be heard.

Some feel meditation is your connection to your Higher Energy; we say meditation is the resistance of separation from your Higher Energy.

Dress comfortably, sit up and relax in a quiet area, close your eyes, take a slow, deep breath through your nose, hold it for just a second and release it slowly through your mouth.  Listen to your breathing.  Concentrate on your breaths.  Do this with the intention of surrendering and releasing that which does not serve you.  Do this for 15 minutes a day and you will heighten your connection to yourself as well as to your Higher Energy.

Many people have hurt pasts that they are trying to correct in future relationships.  This actually is not a bad thing because with each failed relationship, more is learned and less of the past history is the current issue.  In other words, you are creating new hurts (though similar to the past and original hurt) that are more relevant and with this you are also creating the need to correct it. 

This is why you see people who seem to find the same issues in each relationship they have.  Yes, they usually get a little better each time but the “hurt” from the issues tend to feel the same.  This is because the pain you feel is never due to the person you are with, it always has to do with you perception of them.  No one can ever cause you pain unless you are willing to accept being hurt.

Manifestation is all based on belief.  What we believe, we conceive.  This is the bottom line.  Now, getting to the point of believing in something we do not trust in is the difficult part of this.  That is why it takes some many years to trust enough to change their fears.

For many, they truly did not believe they deserve it.  That being said explains most people’s fear based beliefs.  They want the money, they want the relationship, they want the career or the power but they do not believe they deserve it and it then will never come.  There are many types of blocks, all fear based, you know.  All more powerful than the things that are wanted.

When you are ready for change, you have taken your steps to learn the process (usually by trial and error) and once you have seen the evidence and you are ready no matter what to succeed, then and only then can the manifestation occur.

Now sometimes you want a change immediately after realizing that you do not like something in your life.  You are so sure this is not right for you that your mind is set to change is absolute.  Then manifestation is easy, there is no doubt, there is only one decision and it has to manifest.

What you believe, you create as your reality.  You may think you want money but unless you believe you have money, you will not manifest it.  As long as you notice the lack of money and how you never have enough – well, look at what you are creating.

You all have the birthright to live well, content and happy lives.  We sometimes choose not to accept this and that is okay for we all have freedom of choice and can choose what to believe.  The best part is that we also have the freedom of choice to change what we want to believe.

Addiction is a Choice

July 15, 2011

Addiction is a choice, yes this is true.  Because one chooses it to discover a way to cope with things that are difficult to face.  This is why it is more comfortable than wanting to change. 

 Addictions are not bad things as you believe.  They sometimes save you from losing control of your mind.  Escape is sometimes like a well needed vacation.  Once the vacations ends, you are rested enough to face reality again but with a new perspective.

 You’ve heard of hitting rock bottom.  Well, rock bottom is the point where it is more comfortable to face the fear than to escape into an addiction that brings you pain.  It is all good, for sometimes this is what is needed to see the other side is not so bad.

Tell Me My Future

July 13, 2011

 Your future is forever changing depending on where you are in life.  We are not here to tell you something that is not written in stone but we are here to guide you to the happiness you deserve.

 Follow your gut for it leads you to what is desired in life.  Do not dwell on mistakes for they teach you what is not wanted and expands the desire not to feel that way again.  Believe in yourself for anything is possible if you believe it is.  Trust that life is what you make of it and you will in turn make it fun.

Life is a Journey

July 11, 2011

Trust that all roads lead to your desired destination and do not hesitate to take a wrong turn once in a while for it is those detours that bring you the most experiences in validation of what is truly wanted.  And it is also those experiences that get you back on the path of true desire.  So many want to be right or want to accomplish their goals the quickest and in doing so would give up the true value of being on this journey in the first place.