Hello dearest one – why worry about that which does not serve you?  Why allow others to decide your feelings and most of all dear one, why allow another to change who you are?

You are blinded by your feelings and we say it is so much easier to be yourself.  No worries of what is said about you for you know who you are.  No worries that others will believe that which is not true for you do not need to defend yourself when you truly believe in yourself. 

Take a deep breath and remember who you are.  Send love to the ones who bring you pain, for by doing this you release yourself of the control they have on you.  Do not live in reaction to others, for they are misguiding you.  Be yourself in the mist of chaos and allow yourself to feel the calm.  Today, dear one, you are in charge of your own feelings and this will set you free.

Life is simple but some like to make it difficult.  Life is fun but some look down on this.  Life is exciting and adventurous but some do not find this to be safe.  We ask you to look at how your life is working out for you.  If you work at a job for a paycheck only, do you have enough to pay the bills?  If you are in a relationship because you fear being alone, is there joy in your life?  If you take care of others and put yourself last, do you feel satisfied in your living? 

Many have living backwards and we say stop, for this does not serve you.  Many are so programmed to do what ‘needs’ to be done that they are blinded by it never really getting done.  Slow down, take a deep breath and look at your life lovingly.  Is fear stopping you from your true desires?  Step out of your comfort zone and add fun in your life and see how living is meant to feel like.

Feeling Stuck

August 22, 2011

We all have desires yet most of us are afraid to confront them.  It is not that we fear the outcome, it is we fear change or going against what we’ve been taught or what others would approve of.  This puts us in the middle or feeling ‘stuck’.  There is nothing that bothers oneself more than feeling stuck for we know what we want and we can not get there. 

There are reasons for these feelings, most too complicated to explain.  We are all in the process of experiencing life and in order to do so, there are many levels that must be accomplished in order to move toward what is wanted.  The reason for the levels is because you can not go from one belief to another without experiencing the shift or change, and then the belief it is possible.

For example, you want to learn to dance but all your life you believe you have two left feet.  You can not go from that belief to the belief that you are a great dancer.  You start out small and once you accomplish a simple step, you are confident to try the next and so on until you become what you believe you can be.  

This is true for everything in life, it is just that most want it all and they want it now.  Let go dear ones and appreciate what you do have and then just take the next step.

Relationships or the lack of a relationship, at times is the same thing.  It is all about the bond.  There are so many who are in a relationship and there is no bond.  They are together in order not to be alone or because they believe they are not good enough to start over and some times just because they care for the person and do not want to hurt him/her.

Relationships are complicated.  There is so much desire to be in a loving relationship that many times we settle just because want so much to have someone.  This does not serve you for with time your heart will long for the reason you wanted to be in a relationship in the first place.

We ask you to be okay with yourself, to get to know what it is you want in life, to know what it is you are lacking so you know what you truly want in your relationship.

Freedom is like fresh air; there is no question what to do and how it feels.  Freedom is salvation.  When you are truly free, everything works out for you.  This is because you have nothing to hide behind so you have to be honest with yourself.  If you are honest with yourself and something is not working out, you would not blame yourself for this is not who you are, you would try something else out until it did work for you.  There is no room for blame when you are free.  Blame is the cowardly way to say you messed up so that you can end something you are not happy with.  If there was no blame and what happened just happened, then you would take the next step to change it, if it is something you do not like.

Judge Not

August 10, 2011

Some think those who are not in a good place in life are weak and lazy, though to live a life of undesirable existence, you have to be strong in order to ignore the signs for change.  We are not saying that this is a desired experience; we are just saying that it is strength and maybe stubbornness to live what is not wanted and not try to change.  We probably have you very confused right now because this is the opposite of what you have been taught all your life.  That is because their strength is powered by their fear of changing and fear is looked down upon.

 Fear is an amazing emotion, when learned early in life, one will find mechanisms to fight against it.  Those in life that are not living their dreams because they are so strong are usually the ones who learned their strengths from surviving fearful experiences at a young age.  They have lived through life having others more fortunate look down upon them to the point that they also believe in their failure.  This is a lesson that is the most difficult to overcome for it is an ongoing cycle in life that has created an acceptance within.  Once they can break through this fear and step out of their comfort zone of acceptance, these are the people who will accomplish the most in life.

Do you remember the story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden?  They were forbidden to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, but they did.  And what happened to them?  They were banished from the garden to experience Good and Evil. 

 Stories change as they are translated, you know.  This story speaks of a decision which changed all of mankind but was it really that bad?  Does experiencing good and evil so much worse than to live without experiencing life? These are questions that explain the meaning of life, you know. 

 When life is difficult, we want someone or something to make it better.  What we do not understand is that we all have the power within to make life better.  Also, what we really want in life is to be validated, so by having others fix our problems… Well, it really can not be done for the reason we have ‘problems’ is because we have this desire to move forward in life.  The only way we can move forward is to experience the creation of a new, more desirable living.  This being said – we want to have problems in life because this is the only way we can find a way of becoming who and what we want.

What do you believe in?

August 5, 2011

What do you believe in?  That is where you start.  We all believe in something that is a step above where we are now.  We can believe in “The rich become richer”.  So how does that help someone who does not believe they will ever be rich?  You break it down until it matches your belief of yourself.  It can start like this… What are you thinking when you see “the rich” buying something?  Listen to your thoughts, are you putting them down – Rich people are not happy people, Rich people think they are better than everyone else, Rich people can not buy love, etc.  Now, you have somewhere to start.  IF YOU BELIEVE THE RICH ARE NOT GOOD OR HAPPY PEOPLE, THEN YOU ARE TELLING YOURSELF THAT IN ORDER TO STAY GOOD OR HAPPY, YOU HAVE TO LIVE IN LACK OF MONEY.  This is not true!  There are many good and happy rich people.  There are many bad and sad poor people.  Your emotions and choice of being has nothing to do with money.

Why am I overweight?

August 3, 2011

Overweight is different for everyone but the same to everyone is the need for protection.  Protection sounds so serious, we know but it is a very simple concept.  There is something that scares you and instead of facing the fear, you eat the fear away.  This is why you call weight gaining food “comfort foods”.  Truly, many can eat the comfort foods and not gain weight.  This is because they are not using this food as a crutch.  They do not abuse the food and eat it out of content. 

So, how do you catch this fear before it is eaten away?  Usually when the mind set that losing weight is the most important mission to accomplish.  Now you are noticing that the urge to overeat is there before you eat away the feeling.  Now the fear is relevant and emotions surface.  This is when you either learn to love yourself (for the fears are usually based off of lack of love and disapproving the self) or you return to your old eating habits.

Appreciation is so powerful it can literally change your life.  When you see what is good in your life, this directs you to more of the same.  When you see what is wrong in your life – well, it is depressing, isn’t it?  Which would you rather choose?  Some would say that this is just denying the facts but we say this is choosing the outcome. 

It makes sense when you think about it, what you believe in, is where your focus is upon.  If you believe something, you are looking for it to happen, you notice things that are similar, it is in your attention and you will become aware of which path leads you toward your belief.  If you believe that you will not receive something, maybe because your parents never had it, or you feel you  are not good enough, or you think good things like that just don’t happen to people like you, well then when something better becomes part of your experience, you will not move toward it for you feel you are not worthy.

So we ask you to appreciate the little things and do not give your attention to the problems.  Little by little you will start to notice more good things and you will see that your life is not all bad.  You will look forward to what good you do have and before you know it you will attract more and more happy experiences to you.  For you will understand how to accept more good in your life and you will no longer feel that bad things happen by chance.